Ebac washing machines good for us all.

For the customer:

EBAC washing machines are good for the customer as they are energy efficient, meaning that they will run at a lower cost and save them money on their energy bills. They also come with a range of different settings, allowing users to have greater control of their washing.

For the country:

EBAC washing machines are good for the country as they help to reduce the country’s carbon footprint. The machines are designed to deliver a high level of efficiency, using less water and electricity than traditional models, thus also helping to reduce consumption and associated costs.

For the planet:

EBAC washing machines are good for the planet as they help to reduce the global carbon footprint. As the machines are designed to run more efficiently, they use less electricity, reduce energy consumption and the resulting emissions. They also require less water than traditional models, which helps to reduce the amount of waste water that is generated, further benefiting the environment.

Ebac washing machines are the future

It's hard to explain the satisfaction of responding to a customer's request for service from a British manufacturer of washing machines. So far we have attended problems within twenty four hours and it's a pleasure to meet so many happy customers, who adore their machines. And they should, Ebac have stayed with the same design for seven years and tweaked the design again and again to gain improved reliability and quality of wash. While other manufacturers redesign their machines, Ebac pursue quality and reliability relentlessly. Sticking to their core beliefs, we are seeing the results for ourselves. The seven year warranty is a winner and can only be achieved if you really want reliability, durability and quality of wash. Again and again I am left speechless as other manufacturers try concepts that lend themselves to the throw away society. Moving parts that needlessly have wires running through them, that as all good students know have to fail after they have been stressed too often, which is inevitable!

Ebac, we are so proud to be your service provider in the Midlands, and as such we can supply their machines as well.

How can they fail. They are a first class engineering company, in a world that hasn't always realised the worth of reliability, quality and service.

Your time has arrived! Lead the way.

Appliance installation problems

If you are planning or in the process of fitting a new kitchen, read this!!!

Ask your builder some crucial questions.

We expect our appliances to last us a decade! But what happens if they don't, lots of issues from blockages to genuine failed parts can cause your dishwasher, washing machine, fridge freezer or tumble dryer to fail.

What happens next?

The appliance has to come out to be repaired!

When the builder has gone its a bit late sometimes to get them back.

So while they are on site ask the following questions.

If my appliance fails how do I switch it off?

Can I get to the plug?

Can I turn the water off?

Can I easily remove the appliance?

Can I get access to the waste outlet to undo it?

Simple absolutely crucial questions that in my experience people and indeed many builders do not ask!!!

Its also a good idea to ask how any joints in any pipe work are actually done!

By some miracle the pipes below where just pushed together and then unbelievably clamped on to!

There was no joining connector to clamp on to!!!

Appliance Installation Problems

Appliance Installation Problems

New British made washing machine arrives for our testing bays!

Ebac have asked us to work with them on their washing machines. They have sent us a machine to evaluate and we have to say we are impressed so far. After a zoom meeting this week with their tech team where they answered most of our questions and promised an update on the rest, we left the meeting feeling elated at their intent to produce a high quality eco friendly machine in this country!!!!

The machine is very well made and designed with engineers and customers in mind.

I will be giving a full update on this washing machine once their tech team come back with the answers to a few of our probing questions.

Tumble Dryers.

As Autumn finds its feet we are finding the phone has become busy with calls for help about tumble dryers.

Please have a look at the bottom of this page for a link to maintenance. you may find the cure for your tumbling ailment!

A tumble dryer like a car will serve you much better if you maintain it, following a few simple steps. Its amazing how many call outs result in us cleaning the heat exchanger! (in some cases its the first time its ever been done)

Why are washing machines not lasting?


It is very notable that appliances over a decade ago have a superior build quality when compared to today's machines. I would like to say that the better brands buck this trend, but in truth in my opinion, this is not the case. I regularly inspect machines which are at least a third more expensive which end up as beyond economical repair. 

Summing up, a machine that you bought in the 80s and 90s which is only now being replaced was a financial disaster in todays sell sell sell world of business.

What does make money, is a unit that is replaced every five years.

We as engineers fight this every day, making sure that when we go out to a customer, we :

1. Assess the machine, to see if it is going to give you the customer a good return in terms of life. (It may be a an easy fix now but are you going to be spending more money in a few months?)

2. Is it an economical repair? Will it be value for money, compared to a replacement?

3. Can we advise you on maintenance on not only the machine we are looking at, but also your other appliances. We will gladly answer queries whilst there.

4. If we cant repair it, we will give you what we consider to be the best advice available on what to buy next, how to site it, install it and even dispose of your current item. We are aware that not all our solutions fit every customer, so we include advice on what other companies offer, to put the customer first. Yes they do exist!

Thanks for reading. M.Williams Director.